Regijski NVO center


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četrtek, 30.6.2016

Welcome to our Network!

The project “Fighting discrimination and anti-Gypsyism in education and employment in EU” (PAL), JUST/2014/RDIS/AG/DISC/8115  is accepting new MEMBERS to enter its network!


The project PAL is aiming to develop a comprehensive approach and endorse a number of goals in education, employment in order to speed up Roma Integration and support the implementation of national Roma inclusion strategies and the Council Recommendation of Roma Integration.
 The project aims to support Roma youth participation of different levels, by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices of Roma youth and supporting initiatives where Roma participation is key to long-term change. 


In April 2016 was created an European network named Network for Fighting discrimination and Anti-Gypsyism in education and employment in EU that will work on the integration and support in education and employment of vulnerable groups (Roma people, Gypsies, Travellers), and referred  as PAL Network.


The European Network for fighting discrimination and integration in education and employment of vulnerable groups (Roma people, Gypsies, Travellers) that provides initiatives for strengthen awareness raising and training priorities and policies based on the best available evidence and to guide the cost-effective use of tools, interventions and systems to ensure and monitor progress towards National and European goals



The main goal of the PAL Network is to welcome new NGOs, public sector and civil society organisations from all the European countries, giving them the opportunity to:

  1. Participate in the preparation and submission of new initiatives in the field of Roma integration and support;
  2. Help and active participate in the creation of a policy for the employment and education integration of Roma people;
  3. Be informed about all the venues of the PAL project.



The organizations that are interested to be included in the PAL Network, should complete the attached request, HERE, and sent it to the e-mail:   later at 31 of August 2016.


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